Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pictures do last longer...

Especially when you are eating the subjects of said photos. No, I haven't turned cannibal on you, I'm into the tomatoes. As the days go by, more and more payoff from the garden makes all that work worth it. I'm turning from the Grasshopper to the Ant for you fable fans out there.
Here are some long overdue photos of my garden. They were taken this morning around 6.

There are about 60 little cherries on this plant.

This is a glimpse of why tomatoes need cages and cucumbers need Agent Orange. I swear three of the four seeds germinated and the vines grow like Swampthing when the sun hits him. Still, it's a good feeling when things grow. There are lots and lots of the little cucumbers, and I set up a nice trellis for them. However, plants aren't receptive to what you want them to do, you have to make/train them. One of the vines' main shoots is crawing up perfectly along the trellis. The other two main vines are growing into the heart of pepper country on one side and down to tomato town on the other... I'm just glad I only planted the one hill. I can't eat them raw and I plan to pickle them. I hope I actually go through with the process.

Last post was about pink tomatoes, well this is the cradle of life that they are growing out of. Currently I am enjoying a full tummy after slicing one of these bad boys up and putting it on a beef n cheddar. The applications of these fruits are endless. AS you can see there are three or four nearly ripe fruits. I have a couple on the counter as well.

Heirloom update: Black princes are suffering from something. I need to get my act together and find out what. Regardless, they are producing nicely, but they've yet to ripen. Here we are:

Asian Herbs


Thai Holy

Siam Queen.

1 comment:

Jim H said...

Wow that is a garden full. Great Pics!