I have my seeds ordered. I have my beds built. What I don't have is warm weather and adequate dirt. There is plenty of time to get the dirt, but I would like to know it is out there and ready for the seeds and transplants. Still one can only devote so much time to such activities when the new baby adds responsibility to an already maxed out schedule. I suppose not being all together ready is better. I will just have to relax and let the matter rest for a while. Still I have not been totally idle.
As you can see I have the beginnings of a nice, neat garden spot. The lumber was harvested from an old swing set in the backyard. It was there when we moved in, in rather rough shape, and since our little one will be too small for such a contraption for years to come, I had my way with the wood. It was free, falling directly in that cheap category, and semi right angles make everything neater. I say semi right angles because I used 10+ year old weather warped wood. Still it is good enough for my ambitions and looks nice to boot. Inside the beds are leaves. I will add in dirt as soon as I have some. This really should have been done in the fall, but there are only so many hours in the week.
On a natural note, I caught this one sneaking bird seed from under the feeders and trying to figure out just how he could get into said feeder. As long as he eats the birds' food and not mine, all is well. When walnut dropping time comes it will be interesting to see just how many I can sneak from him. Hardly fair I suppose but after all, there are plenty of squirrels. Isn't he cute?